Recent Updates:
Make 2025 A Year Of Growth!
Start the New Year by enrolling in the KINESIOLOGISTS.CA Online Academy today! Unlock access to all the above BCRPA approved courses for 1 year. Complete a few or all the courses and save up to $1246!!
Get 1 year access to the KINESIOLOGISTS.CA Online Academy for only $899+GST. Don’t wait – this is your chance to invest in yourself and make 2025 your year of growth! Please note, this offer is for the online courses only and does not include registration fees, exam and supervision fees, or ICE fees. Printed copies of the manuals are available for an additional fee.
Click here to register and get started!
Call for more details – (six zero four) 372 – 3 2 3 3
Need a private / clean place to train yourself? Limited number of monthly access passes available – starting at $99. Call for more info and jump into the new year without the massive influx at the local big-box gyms and rec facilities – (six zero four) 372 3 2 3 3
Workshops for BCRPA/CFES CECs
- For those who have taken and enjoyed a workshop, there are 5 + 5 more to enjoy! For more information on the NEW online and In-Studio CEC (continuing education credits) workshops for BCRPA and CFES, please check out this link: CECs
BCRPA Courses Study Help
Need help studying for your personal training exam? Then try out the new Personal Training Practice Prep Exams offered by KINESIOLOGISTS.CA! Offering the same quality questions as the practice prep exams for the BCRPA Fitness Theory and BCRPA Older Adult exams!
The practice prep exams have been said to be especially beneficial in the study process when English is a second (or third) language. These practice prep questions will help! The actual exams questions may seem very confusing and poorly worded, but the practice prep exams will allow you to take time to practice and learn the types of questions In the end, these questions will save you money as you may pass on the first attempt!
- Try the FREE Personal Training practice prep exam here: Try Now >>
- Try the FREE Fitness Theory practice prep exam here: Try Now >>
- Try the FREE Older Adult practice prep exam here: Try Now >>
BCRPA Courses offered at the KINESIOLOGISTS . CA Studio – Cloverdale
The courses you want from a local business offering courses for over 25 years – KINESIOLOGISTS.CA is a name you can trust with your certification! Select BCRPA and CFES approved courses, workshops and practice exams!
- HYBRID and CLASSROOM Courses: Click here
- Practice Exams: Click here
- CORRESPONDENCE Courses: Click here
- Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Workshops for BCRPA and CFES – new combos to meet the BCRPA yearly renewal (6.0 & 7.0 CEC packages)! Click here
2024 BCRPA Fitness Training Course Schedule
To register in an upcoming classroom-based course taught by Aaron Tews (BSc. Kinesiology – Practicing Kinesiologist) at the KINESIOLOGISTS.CA Studio – Cloverdale – Click here. Have a question about registration or our courses – or 604 – 372-3233
NEW OPPORTUNITY: Now offering COMBO / multiple course discounts for both classroom and correspondence versions of the provincial courses:
- Classroom combo course discounts click here
- Correspondence combo course discounts click here
2 Rooms for Rent in busy Kinesiology Studio (Surrey) – PHYSIO or RMT or other health professional
Clean and bright room to rent (flat rate or %) in a busy and bright kinesiology studio in Cloverdale (17665-66A Avenue, Surrey). Additional access to the exercise area of the studio can be negotiated. One room has a sink too. Plenty of cross referrals would happen between my kinesiology business and your business. Located in a very central and easily accessible area of Cloverdale with plenty of free parking. Call Aaron at (six zero four) 372 3233
Question: Are you looking for someone that will work under/represent your business as a contractor?
Answer: No. Must be completely separate to my business – not be involved in your business at all. Now, there would be synergies (many of my clients would utilize your services), but that can be discussed. I am only providing the room – no cleaning services either.
Active Rehabilitation with a Kinesiologist
Do you have an open ICBC or Private Insurance claim and are looking for a kinesiologist? We can help! We will work with your lawyer, physiotherapist, claims adjustor, RMT and/or doctor to help you continue your rehabilitation progress. If you are interested in any of our services or simply have a question, please give us a call as we are happy to answer at (604)-372-3233.