Personal Trainer WRITTEN Exam Prep
Practice Questions & Scenario for the Personal Training Exam.
This is an package which includes the information below to help you prepare for the BCRPA Personal Training exam. There are 2 sections to this exam:
- PART A – Short Answer, Fill in the Blank, Matching and True & False
- PART B – Scenario Question (4 forms to complete).
Please note, you will self-evaluate PART A using the Answer Guide provided.
PART B is emailed to us at for individual marking and evaluation. To ensure personal trainer exam prep is successful, the individualized marking and evaluation of PART B is required.
Following the final successful evaluation and return of PART B, a summary sheet will be provided in the final preparation for the exam.
This is NOT an online practice exam. This is an e-package which includes:
- Personal Training Workbook of Questions (Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Fill in Blanks & True & False) and ANSWERS.
- One FULL Personal Training Scenario Question (you will email your answer to the scenario to KINESIOLOGISTS.CA for marking and feedback).
- Cost: only $149.99+GST

**The personal trainer exam prep materials do not guarantee successful passing of the BCRPA Personal Training exam, nor does it provide questions from the exam. This is a prep guide and evaluation tool to self-evaluate exam readiness.