FREE SAMPLE BCRPA Fitness Theory Practice Prep Exam

FREE SAMPLE BCRPA Fitness Theory Practice Prep Exam

This is FREE SAMPLE Fitness Theory Practice Prep Exam: Basic Knowledge

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Free Sample Fitness Theory Practice Quiz

This is a free sample preparation quiz for the online BCRPA Fitness Theory Exam. The following questions will test your current knowledge level. Please be sure to read each question carefully. Some questions will ask you to choose all that apply (extra FUN)!

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 15

1. According to Canada's Physical Activity Guide, the exercise effort for adults should be between:

2 / 15

2. Which of the following factors increases the difficulty of the push-up?

3 / 15

3. Rank the following exercises in order from least to most stable:

1. Seated calf raises

2. Standing one-leg calf raises

3. Standing calf raises

4 / 15

4. You need to calculate the training heart rate zone for your 44 year old clients (with a resting heart rate of 72 bpm) using the Maximum Heart Rate Method (MHR). The recommended training zone will be 70-85%. Calculate the beats per minute (bpm).

5 / 15

5. According to the Canada Food Guide (2011), adults require how many servings of Milk and Alternatives per day?

6 / 15

6. You need to calculate the training heart rate zone for your 33 year old client with a resting heart rate of 71 bpm.  Using the Heart Rate Reserve Method (HRR) (aka Karvonen Method), calculate the recommended training zone between 60-70% in beats per minute (bpm).

7 / 15

7. Which of the following muscles are considered part of the rotator cuff?

8 / 15

8. Typically, what muscle(s) should be stretched when a person suffers from increased anterior tilt of the pelvis?

9 / 15

9. What muscles are primarily responsible for performing transverse adduction (aka horizontal flexion) of the shoulder?

10 / 15

10. Pronation and supination articulations are considered to occur at which joint(s) in the body?

11 / 15

11. DEFINITION: Amount of force that can be generated in a SINGLE repetition:

12 / 15

12. Muscle(s) responsible for: Flexion of the Knee:

13 / 15

13. For the exercise, Triceps Pressdown, what is the ANTAGONIST muscle involved and is it passively lengthening or passively shortening during the press DOWN phase?

14 / 15

14. Exercises 1 and 2 are designed to provide:

15 / 15

15. What are the major bones of the arm?

Your score is

The average score is 35%


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What is the BCRPA Fitness Theory Exam like?  Here are some of the comments we have heard:

    • “Confusing” | “Tough” | “Questions are like reading a Shakespeare play!”  | “Definitely need to prepare!” | “I needed this extra assistance”

You only get one chance to PASS once you pay $110+ to write the official exam.  Why not prepare yourself to pass!

Sample Exam #1 (15 Questions): Test your knowledge.
Failing = more study required and purchase exam access below!
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Paid Exam Access:
Exam #1 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #2 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #3 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #4 (30 Questions): Muscles, movements
Exam #5 (30 Questions): Muscles, movements
**All above exams draw from a large pool of questions.
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“Hi Aaron, OMG I passed with 93%!!! I couldn’t get a good score in movement mechanics and anatomy but thanks to your quizzes I did shockingly well. Anatomy 9/9. Movement Mechanics 13/15. Thank you for the amazing resource 🙂 Regards, Mome H.

“Practicing with your quizzes gave me a clear vision of where I was weak. In my super busy lifestyle, that was a critical element in my study success. I was confident that my study hours were useful, and I walked into the test with pure confidence and knowledge. Definitely worth it! ” Karen W.

“Hey Aaron, I passed! Your exam prep quizzes were really helpful. Thanks again for sending me the code so late at night.” Curtis G.

“Helpful… I just crushed the exam!  Recommended it to someone who didn’t pass. Cheers.” Robin D.

“Oh my gosh these are helpful!! Thank you.” Karen W.

“Just wanted to let you know I finally PASSED my Fitness Theory Exam yesterday.  Thank you for these practice quizzes, something finally clicked in my brain with your muscle action questions :)” Michelle R.

“Fitness Theory exam passed this morning! Yay!!! The practice tests were great. They put my mind at ease as I realized I knew more than I thought! What an awesome tool!” Melinda F.