BCRPA Workshops

BCRPA Workshops (CEC’s)

Need CECs right away?  Completed workshop certificates are typically returned within 24 hours.

After reading each the information presented in each workshop, you will be responsible to complete a short quiz of multiple choice and T&F, matching and/or short answer questions for marking.

Self-Study/Correspondence Workshops


Exercise Analysis & Practical Movement Application

This workshop is a part of the **NEW** Knowledge Review Series of pre-approved workshops through BCRPA. Get back to basics with this workshop and do a deep dive into exercise analysis and the practical movement application. You will learn the muscles which are working concentrically / eccentrically and which ones are passively lengthening / passively shortening and this will help you train your clients for better results! Also review common contraindicated movements and what are better choices for your clients.

$59.99 (+GST) 
Functional Movement Approach to Program Design

This workshop is a part of the **NEW** Knowledge Review Series of pre-approved workshops through BCRPA. This workshop covers the functional movement approach to program design. It covers topics such as: Basic Functional Movements / Movement Patterns, Five (5) Primary Movements, Functional Program Design, and the Function – Health – Fitness Performance Continuum.

$39.99 (+GST) 
Health & Fitness Basics

This workshop is a part of the **NEW** Knowledge Review Series of pre-approved workshops through BCRPA. Get back to basics with this workshop and review such areas as the components of fitness, anatomical regions, directional terms, various ways to monitor intensity and their inter-relation, client prescreening, body’s response to an exercise session and how to maximize gains, common training principles and their impact on training, and much more!

$59.99 (+GST) 
General Posture Review

This workshop is a part of the **NEW** Knowledge Review Series of pre-approved workshops through BCRPA. This workshop reviews, in a easy to follow format, the basics of posture.

$39.99 (+GST) 
Basic Cardiovascular Physiology

This workshop is a part of the **NEW** Knowledge Review Series of pre-approved workshops through BCRPA. This workshop reviews, in a easy to follow format, the basics of cardiovascular physiology – function of the heart, lungs and circulatory system.

$49.99 (+GST) 
Protein – How much is too much?

This workshop provides a basic foundation relating to types of protein and associated benefits and attempts to answer questions that continue to be a topic of debate among the nutritional and sports science community (e.g. what to take protein with, how much to consume, and when to consume).

$59.99 (+GST)
Functional Anatomy of the HIP

This workshop covers in-depth functional anatomy and physiology for the hip joint and the practical application of the information as a Personal Trainer.


$59.99 (+GST)
NECK Core Stabilization

This workshop covers in-depth functional anatomy and physiology for the neck such as proper postural alignment, healthy breathing and muscular activation of core neck muscles.


$59.99 (+GST)
Written by Dr. Melissa Carr (BSc., Dr. TCM) and edited by Aaron Tews (BSc. Kin). This workshop delves into, and answers, such questions as: What is sugar? What are some of the natural sources of sugar? What are some of the artificial sweetener options? What are some of the controversies regarding each of these sweetener and sugar options?

$59.99 (+GST)
Functional Anatomy of the SHOULDER

Want to learn in-depth functional anatomy and physiology for the shoulder and also learn practical application of the information presented? Then this correspondence workshop is for you!


$59.99 (+GST)
Kinesiology of Resistance Training

Want to understand a little more about the various types of resistance training equipment? Then this correspondence workshop is for you! This workshop covers topics such as benefits of resistance training, common exercise attributed soreness, grip techniques for lifting and the lever system.


$59.99 (+GST)
Resistance Training Program Design

Want to get better at planning and designing resistance training program? Then this correspondence workshop is for you! This workshop covers topics such as how to create balanced programs, periodization, steps to success in program design and ways to increase retention through creative planning.


$69.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Sugar & Sweetener Nutrition
+ Protein Nutrition

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$109.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Functional Anatomy – HIP
+ Functional Anatomy – SHOULDER

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$109.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Functional Anatomy – SHOULDER
+ Sugar & Sweetener Nutrition

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$109.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Sugar & Sweetener Nutrition
+ Kinesiology of Resistance Training

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$119.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Kinesiology of Resistance Training
+ Functional Anatomy – SHOULDER

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$119.99 (+GST)
COMBO – the NeXT Level Workshops

+ Basic Cardiovascular Physiology
+ Protein – How much is too much?

**Purchase both workshops for your renewal and save!

$109.99 (+GST)
the NeXT Level - Inclass WorkshopCECsCost
the NeXT Level - Part 1: Personal Training 2.0 (Anthropometric Measurement Techniques)

Learn how to take accurate skinfold clips with calipers and calculate a client’s PERCENT BODYFAT. This workshop is “one of a kind” and guaranteed to take your job as a personal trainer to “the NeXT Level.” We’ll start with the core techniques of taking accurate blood pressure and resting heart rate, and then refresh on how to take critical girth measurements to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR). We will then move into learning to taking the most 10 common skinfold clips accurately and efficiently. Once techniques have been learned properly and data recorded, we’ll learn how to properly coach clients on what the data means – health risks (normative values) – and how to address it through program design. We will also look at some of the work by a prominent Canadian researcher and find out the ideas of where we store our fat on the body is indicative of lifestyle habits – and how to address the key areas for change!

**Workshop can be performed on an individual basis or small group. Call for details.

Cloverdale Studio from 9am-5pm

Call for dates: 604-372-3233
8.0$189 (+GST)

Pre-req: None!

“I really enjoyed the workshop! I look forward to other workshops that you offer – the courses are informative and laid out in such a way that is not only engaging but wonderful knowledge in regards to functional training with clients. Thank you,” – Andrea L.

“These workshops are second to none! A must take for any fitness professional.” – Cindy M.

All workshops and courses are also approved by CFES for CEC’s

“I appreciate your time and efforts in creating this course and offering it remotely. These workshops are both insightful and also give BCRPA trainers such as myself learning opportunities that are convenient, allowing me to stay certified as a fitness leader. Many thanks,” – Niño S.

“Thank you very much for your extremely efficient email with the certificate and results. I will definitely be taking more of your online courses before my next renewal date. The selection of presenters and topics is inspiring. I will also share this experience and your courses with my colleagues here in Prince George. Thanks again.” – Cyndy C.

“I recently updated my credential for my BCRPA and needed Online Courses due to the ongoing pandemic.
I chose one of Aaron’s Packages that would give me my required CEC’s. These four courses bundled together were well thought out, stylized in an easy-to-read format with charts and graphs along with up-to-date pertinent information. When I had questions Aaron returned my calls and offered up any other feedback needed to move forward with success with my courses.  In the future, I am looking forward to using more of Aaron’s programs for my professional development. Thanks, Aaron” Jody W. (2020)

Check back often for a great variety of workshops. Feel free call / email with questions.
Office: (604)-372-3233
Email: info@kinesiologists.ca

Does your company have the need for an ‘in-house’ workshop?  We can help!  Please call us to arrange topic and date!

We hold expertise and have developed workshops in the following areas:

      • Nutrition
      • Lifestyle management
      • Sport Specific Training
      • Personalized Programming
      • Specialized Topics – Kettlebells, TRX, etc

Please call with any questions prior to ordering as no refunds are offered. Read our Terms and Conditions contract before ordering: Click Here >>

After reading each the information presented in each workshop, you will be responsible to complete a short quiz of multiple choice and T&F, matching and/or short answer questions for marking.