Hand Grip Strength Assessment Protocol
CAUTION: If you have high blood pressure (140/90 mmHg) DO NOT perform this test prior to receiving medical clearance to do so. Information provided solely as a reference and should not be performed without proper training or certification.
Note: The following factors have shown positive correlation with grip strength – weight, hand width, height, and body type.
Equipment Required:
- Hand Grip Dynamometer
- Adjust the hand grip size on the dynamometer into a position that is comfortable. The second joint of your fingers should fit snugly on the handle of the dynamometer.
- Stand with the hand to be tested first at your side, with the elbow bent at 90 degrees. The dynamometer should face forward and the forearm held parallel to the floor. Squeeze the dynamometer as hard as possible without moving your arm.
- During the test, don’t let the dynamometer touch any body part or any other object.
- Perform two trials with each hand. Rest for about one minute between trials. Record the scores for each hand to the nearest kilogram.
- Right hand: Trial 1: ________ kg, Trial 2: _________ kg
- Left hand: Trial 1: _________ kg, Trial 2: _________ kg.
- Your total score is the sum of the best trial for each hand.
- Right hand score = ________ kg
- Left hand score = ________ kg
- Combined Score (L + R) = ___________________kg
- Rate hand grip strength (upper body strength) with the table below.
Table: Norms for Grip Strength in kilograms (kg) for combined score (L + R)
for Healthy Active Living, 1996.