Fitness Theory »

BCRPA Fitness Theory Practice Exam Section

bcrpa-fitness-theory-practice-examThese exams are designed to be tougher than the certification exams, but use similar language (a little ambiguous at times).  My PRACTICE EXAMS questions have been answered OVER 1 MILLION TIMES OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS! I have helped hundreds of students prepare to write their exam!  Many companies have tried to copy my questions, but know you getting the most up to date and accurate questions / answers here.

You will be able to take a quiz as many times as you would like as the questions are randomized and so are the answer choices (a quiz will never be the same twice). Want some exam writing pointers?  This link may help!

BCRPA Fitness Theory Practice Exams (purchase includes access to all 5 practice exams below):

Your Practice BCRPA Fitness Theory Online Exam access begins as soon as you receive passwords (usually within 1 hour of payment).  You will be provided access to all 5 Practice Exams listed below (Exams #1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) with the single payment.

Sample Exam #1 (15 Questions): Test your knowledge.
Failing = more study required and purchase exam access below!
Click Here to Start >>
Paid Exam Access:
Exam #1 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #2 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #3 (60 Questions): General knowledge
Exam #4 (30 Questions): Muscles, movements
Exam #5 (30 Questions): Muscles, movements
**All above exams draw from a large pool of questions.
Click Here to Start >>

(Purchase access below)
24 hour Access @ $19.99+GST
2 Day Access @ $29.99+GST
5 Day Access @ $49.99+GST
7 Day Access @ $59.99+GST
30 Day Access @ $89.99+GST
-Your password is typically emailed within 1 hour during the work week (8am-5pm, M-F), but depends on PayPal processing.  After hours / weekends take longer, but access starts after you receive your password access.
-Be sure your PayPal account has your correct email address.
-Calling directly will NOT speed up the PayPal processing.
-If you are suspected of screen capturing, copying, sharing, duplicating any of the questions, access will be revoked immediately.
-Do not share your password - access will be revoked immediately (IP Address and MAC address are tracked).
-Access begins immediately upon receipt of your password and is continuous access (cannot be split up). Do not purchase if you want to delay your access.
-Absolutely no refunds - do not purchase if you are unsure.


Try a sample practice exam: Click here >>

We have also found out these exams really help with writing the MFC (Manitoba Fitness Council) Fitness Theory Exam too!


“Hi, Just a quick note to acknowledge the assistance I received from the 7-day Exam Quiz practice, I purchased from It helped me study and gave me an extra boost of confidence when doing the exam. Koodos and I highly recommend the service. Well worth the investment.”  Blair H. 

“Aaron! Without these practice exams I doubt I would have ever passed the exam! Thank you!” Jenny C. 

“Hi Aaron,  Thank you so much for making these practice exams available.  I passed my second attempt at the exam this morning easily.  I believe your practice exams made all the difference.  I can’t thank you enough. Kind regards,”  Denise F.

“Hi Aaron, Thank you for offering these practice exams. I passed my exam this week after failing it. I found them very helpful. Kind Regards,” Michelle B. 

“Thanks for your mock tests. I wrote the theory exam today and aced it.” Len L.

“Oh my gosh these are helpful!! Thank you.” Karen W.

“Hi Aaron, I wanted to thank you. I purchased the 24 hour option to study for my BCRPA exam and I passed on the first try. I had held off writing it because a lot of people told them it took them up to 3 tries. Your questions really helped me focus on what I didn’t have a good understanding on and made me look up further information. As you know there is a lot of information covered in the course and this really helped me focus on what concepts I needed to develop a better understanding on. I also chose the home study option therefore; couldn’t really tell what I was mistaken on. Again, this really helped strengthen my knowledge! Have a wonderful day!” Sherina C.

“Hi Aaron, Just wanted to pass along how super-doper incredibly helpful those practice exams were!!!! I passed the MFC [Manitoba] theory exam with a 93%!!!!! A few of my yoga friends just wrote their theory exams today , used the practice exams & said they were soooo grateful that they used them. Needed to share!!! Thanks!!!” Jackie C.

“Hey Aaron, I passed! Your exam prep quizzes were really helpful. Thanks again for sending me the code so late at night.” Curtis G.

“Helpful… I just crushed the exam!  Recommended it to someone who didn’t pass. Cheers.” Robin D.

“Just wanted to let you know I finally PASSED my Fitness Theory Exam yesterday.  Thank you for these practice quizzes, something finally clicked in my brain with your muscle action questions :)” Michelle R.

“Fitness Theory exam passed this morning! Yay!!! The practice tests were great. They put my mind at ease as I realized I knew more than I thought! What an awesome tool!” Melinda F.

“Thank you for your help! Your practice exams made a world of difference (they were WAY harder than the actual exam, so I felt very prepared) 🙂 ” Kayla V.E.