Question: What advice do you have for becoming a great trainer?

I am often asked the following question: “What advice do you have for becoming a great trainer?”

Simply, imagine you are being evaluated or shadowed by someone you respect every time you train your client(s).

Imagine your mentor will provide feedback on your ability to:

    • Choose appropriate exercises for client skill, injury or primary health concern
    • Keep your client on task throughout session
    • Convey directions clearly and concisely
    • Inherently know when an exercise is too difficult / easy
    • Keep your client motivated and encouraged with their progress to date
    • Listen to your client

Be ready to defend all the choices you make while training.  When students or new trainers shadow my sessions, I often find myself answering the question ‘why.’

I suppose there is one last item – put your phone away!  A great trainer gives 100% at all times and is never caught checking their phone during a session (this may simply be a personal pet peeve of mine, but am interested in your feedback on this one).


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